2020 was a year of resilience and reflection for the music community. As we head into the new year we invite you to join our community of musicians, public officials, activists, industry leaders, researchers, and non-profit leaders in a hyper-pragmatic exploration of WHAT THE F… WE ARE DOING IN 2021.
Now isn’t the time for platitudes and slogans – we know how important music is, how vulnerable the ecosystem is, and the importance of taking meaningful, strategic action.
Instead, we’re focusing on TEN FOR TWENTY ONE – ten key questions addressing some of the most important issues facing our community. Policy, research, activism, equity, education, infrastructure – we are taking on the big questions with well-thought-out, specific ideas for how we move forward as a community. We are also featuring keynote presentations, interviews, conversations, workshops, and roundtables focusing on actionable strategies and initiatives as we head into 2021.
We wish we could host you as usual at Georgetown University but we are intent on leveraging the power of Zoom to program a highly impactful, pragmatic, and forward-looking intensive. Please join us on November 19 and 20.
Event page: https://www.musicpolicyforum.org/new-page
Register Here: https://www.etix.com/ticket/p/5139316/mpf-virtual-conference–bellvue-mishawaka-amphitheatre