Thanks to the many organizations and individuals that are working with us to make these conferences, podcasts, videos, connections, and research happen. Make a Donation Today
Amplify Music is a project launched in 2020 with a group of individuals under the umbrella of the Maremel Institute. In 2021, it expanded to work within Rethink Next, a California 501c3 nonprofit corporation. We endeavor to keep the costs low, and can expand these efforts with your support.
You can donate at the link or QR code above or through PayPal. We welcome individual contributions, corporate giving, Featured Sponsorships, donated services, and other great support we have been receiving from collaborators.
Our Mission – Amplify Music
We bring together diverse music leaders and creators online to learn and share from local community response, emergent solutions, and heroic efforts to support local artists, venues, creative communities, and support networks in the challenges of COVID-19 and our future transformations of music communities.
- Unique practices that may transfer to other areas
- Ways to learn between great ecosystems and communities of communities
- New combinations of business and community models – bridges beyond
streaming - “After” – rebuilding and transforming in recovery and beyond
Our Mission – Rethink Next
Rethink Next is a California non-profit corporation whose dream is to help us expand and re-imagine robust local creative communities. . . .together. We have been running collaborative programs since 2018.
Our Core Question: How can we learn together to change our local communities and environments for the better?
2020 and 2021 were powerful opportunities to learn the hard way about local change. Since then, Rethink Next is partnering with organizations and events to explore how Place is changing. Where and how are we creating in a Pandemic-recovery world? How are cities and places changing for creators and creative businesses?
For more information, join us at or reach out to please reach out to