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20 – How can India revise its creative economy policies & look into the past to shape the future

A country India doesn't have any formal structures from the government to invest or support creative, nightlife & music industries. These sectors bring a large amount of revenue to the economy but also have big eco-systems connected, which are not given the importance it deserves.

In the age of COVID19, its the essential time to create the right frameworks & policies to build for a stronger future. There is an untapped potential, but moreover, we need to look at solutions from our past that can help shape the future. The music, creative & nightlife economies have the opportunity to help revive the country at this time, but it requires the right process, the inclusion of all communities, creating a bridge between both the traditional & contemporary arts within music, arts & culture. If we don't do this now, we will have another lost opportunity and if the government doesn't focus on it, its on us to bring this to light - As Gandhi said " Be The Change You Want To See."