
Latest Past Sessions

44 – Where the Next Year May Take Us

We have talked about many topics so far . . . how do they thread together in possible futures that we can be working toward? What should we be steering around and how can we be learning from where we have been so far. Jim Griffin from One House will share some thoughts on the journeys ahead.

38 – Futures 15: Normalizing Digital Scarcity with Cherie Hu

Cherie Hu will talk about how the pandemic could be a turning point for normalizing digitally scarce goods and experiences. She'll discuss disruptive effects (both positive and negative, short- and long-term) of this sudden paradigm shift on how the music industry is structured and what fans expect from artists. I can also discuss one or two case studies of artists and entertainers who built sustainable businesses off of a notion of digital scarcity (pre-pandemic), and what we could learn from them.

23 – Transformation of Music Cities

Social distancing and stay-at-home orders have temporarily reconstructed where and how consumers enjoy music. When the bans and restrictions are lifted, how will our musical lives fit into spaces and places that have been altered by massive behavioural and regulatory shifts? What might be the challenges for cities in recovering from lockdowns, adapting to new relationships with national governments, truncated economies and new patterns of travel and communication.